Saturday, June 23, 2007

US-Cuban relationship not as simple as it seems

Dear Sir,
The US policy on Cuba seems to be quite a hypocritical stance. Case in point, the US military presence on the island of Cuba with its Guantanamo Bay base was to have ended in the year 1999 or latest 2000.
But because of interest in its strategic position, in terms of keeping a formidable military presence in the region, it has remained. So, the US government can have its convenient secret land occupation deals with the communist regime, while it prohibits its democratic citizens to visit the country or even play a supportive role with their families on the island.
In addition, today the US has eased its policy with what was the Soviet Union, the number one and most powerful enemy in its history, who terrorized its citizens with threats of launching rockets to all major cities during the cold war days. I remember the days when people walked the streets looking up into the sky for incoming rockets.
The relationship between Cuba and the US is a very complex historical saga. One that includes the sinking of the Maine battleship in Havana, after entering the port on January 25, 1898. About three weeks later the ship was blown up with some 2,000 men aboard. Today, this still remains a mystery. But this gave cause for the US to enter the war against Spain and oust the Spanish from the region and all of Latin America as well as the Philippines.
The US then established a presence in Cuban with the Guantanamo Bay deal, which was to have lasted for ninety-nine years, ending in 1999. The same year as the Panama Canal was turned over. Nonetheless, the US established a good relationship with Cuba, which was the first foreign country for the US to market its products abroad. Coca-Cola, was a case in point, when it built its first plant in a foreign country in 1906. Consider it was not until 1940 when Coca-Cola built its first European plant, in the UK. Therefore the US-Cuban relationship was not only political, but as a lucrative market as well.
It is therefore, shameful and embarrassing in the least for the US, not only to have undertaken an embargo on the people of Cuba, but to have it continue and in place for 45 years, is abusive and bullyish behavior, that has resulted to some extent in genocide, because of the many who have
died unnecessarily for a lack of basic medicines and not to mention those attempting to land on American soil.
Americans tourists ran wild in Cuba from the early 1920s through 1959, making the island practically the only Caribbean nation they visited. Americans had the island at their complete disposal to do whatever they pleased. In 1952, a US sailor mounted a statue of Jose Marti and urinated while sitting atop of the island's most revered and respected patriot. Disrespecting its primary national hero. The Cuban people reacted with restraint while showing total indignation and disgust.
The US has been very politically affiliated with the Cuban community in the country. Ronald Reagan as president just before an election, held a rally at the Orange Bowl and in one sweep made ten thousand illegal Cubans American citizens. They all voted for the Republican party and Cubans became Republicans for life after that. So, the US-Cuban relationship is not so simple as it seems. But it sure is abusive.
Yours etc.,
Ernest Stair


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