Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Year's Wishes from Antonio Rodriguez

Please see below a New Year's Greeting card sent by Antonio Rodriguez. The English translation reads as follows:

"Family and Comrades:

We feel very happy, optimistic and positive for the support that we have received from our friends around the world and in seeing that the Revolution in it's 48th year grows even stronger, and is already moving invincibly towards the time that there is an awakening of full independence among the brothers and sisters of our Americas.

The year 2007 will be one of new and decisive victories.

In the name of the 5:


A strong, revolutionary embrace.
(below in handwriting)
Happy New Year ! Your brotherhood and example are always there for us. We shall overcome!"

International Efforts to Free the Cuban Five Continue

Havana, Dec 20 (ACN) Dozens of Ukrainians gathered in front of the American
embassy in Kiev to demand the release of the Five Cuban men unfairly
imprisoned in the U.S.

Members of the Che Guevara Union and youth associations from that country
carried placards and cried out slogans calling for the freedom of the Cuban
men and also the closing of the U.S prison in Guantanamo Bay on an illegally
occupied territory in the island.

As part of the World Campaign of Solidarity with the Cuban Five, the
demonstration included a scene in which a man with a George W. Bush papier
mache mask was playing golf with the Earth, reported Prensa Latina news

Five of the demonstrators dressed up in white striped shirts representing
the Cuban prisoners and called for the struggle of all the Progressive
forces worldwide to spread the truth about the Five Cuban's
case. During the protest, Professor Vasili Pijarovich gave an
exclusive interview to Kiev's central television, in which he gave a
thorough explanation of the solidarity campaign in favor of the Cubans in
the Ukraine and the rest of the world.

Likewise, the liberation of the Five Cubans was also demanded in Ecuador by
representatives of solidarity-with-Cuba groups during the 11th National
Council of the Ecuadorian Coordinating Committee of friendship with Cuba
that took place in Quito.

Also as part of the international campaign in favor of the Cuban men
imprisoned in American jails, a group of Argentinean actors carried out a
ceremony, where they read aloud the speeches delivered by each of the Cuban
men in their defense during the trial in Miami, said Prensa Latina.

The actors said they were honored to participate in the activities in
support of Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez, Gerardo
Hernandez and Ramon Labanino. They expressed their willingness to take this
fight up to any level.

The Five Cuban men were arrested in 1998 in the United States; as they had
infiltrated Miami-based anti-Cuba organizations in order to prevent criminal
actions against the Cuban people and government.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Latin American parliament demands release of the Five Cuban Prisoners

(Updated 11 of December of the 2006 | translated by Google)

The Latin American Parliament (PARLATINO) demanded to the United States immediately to release the Five antiterrorist Cuban prisoners unjustly held in North American jails.

The demand in favor of the Five is contained in a declaration approved in its XXII Ordinary Assembly, celebrated in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and was proposed by the Venezuelan delegation, informs the Granma newspaper today.

Also a resolution was adopted so that the General Assembly of this organization endorses the actions of the Mission Miracle, promoted by Venezuela and Cuba, which makes possible the oftalmológica attention of poor people of the continent.

The deputies of 20 countries reunited in this encounter expressed their solidarity towards the Puerto Rican town and insisted to the parliaments to conduct concrete battles that support it in their fight to become a free and independent nation.

Cuba has an outstanding participation in this regional Parliament: the deputy Ramon Fish Ferro integrated during four years his directive table and continue being members of directors of Diana commissions Martinez Piti, Jose A. Diaz Duke, and Alemañy Snows. (AIN)